High School Legal Mentorship Program
Some of our 2023-2024 mentees and mentors at the Orientation Meeting.
The Montgomery County Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association hosts an annual class of 11th and 12th grade female-identified MCPS high school students. This program pairs each student with a mentor who is active in today’s legal field, including private sector attorneys, public sector attorneys, and judges. As part of the mentorship program, mentees and mentors meet at least monthly to discuss the students interests and goals for their future, the mentor’s position in the legal field, what’s involved in their position, and how they got to where they are today.
In addition to one-on-one mentorship, all participants are required to attend 5 in-person sessions to help students prepare for their future, including college and internship application guidance, professionalism for women in the legal field, and exposure to a variety of different legal career opportunities.
At this time, the program is only open to students who attend one of the high schools listed below:
Gaithersburg High School
Springbrook High School
Montgomery Blair High School
Walter Johnson High School
Schedule for the 2024-2025 Program*
10/15/24 @ 6pm at the Montgomery County Circuit Court**: Orientation Meeting (Click here for photos)
11/19/24 @ 6pm via Zoom: Panel on college applications, pre-law major, internships, trajectory, and networking
12/11/24 @ 6pm: Panel on resume writing, professionalism, communication, and cover letter tips
1/21/25 @ 6pm: Panel of attorneys and judges on their experiences as females in the legal field.
2/18/25 @ 6pm at the Montgomery County Circuit Court**: Closing Event—Panel of legal-adjacent professionals and other legal field positions
*Participants are required to attend all in-person sessions listed above, unless otherwise discussed with program administrators. In addition to the sessions listed above, mentors and mentees will meet monthly outside of these sessions to talk and provide assistance; these meetings will be scheduled at mutually convenient times between Mentors and Mentees and may be virtual.
**Third floor Judicial Conference Room located in the North Tower of Montgomery County Circuit Court
For any questions, please contact Debbie Feinstein at Debbie.Feinstein@montgomerycountymd.gov.