First Name
Last Name
Please provide a link to your profile (i.e. firm website profile or LinkedIn). If none, feel free to insert a brief profile summary.
Check all practice areas that apply to you
Administrative/Regulatory Law
Appellate Practice
Banking and Finance Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights
Business Organizations
Civil Rights
Commercial Finance/Transactions
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Criminal Law
Education Law
Elder Law
Employment Law
Family Law
Health Care Law
Immigration Law
Insurance Defense
Land Use and Zoning
Mass Torts Litigation/Class Actions
Medical Malpractice
Patent Law
Personal Injury
Products Liability
Professional Malpractice
Tax Law
Trusts and Estates Law
Workers' Compensation
Other practice areas:
Check if you have served and would like to continue to serve as one or more of the following:
Best Interest Attorney
Parent Coordinator
Trustee to Sell Property
Personal Administrator or Special Administrator of an Estate
Other (or describe the area of work):
Do you hold any certifications or special degrees (i.e. collaborative law, accounting/tax, mediation, best interest attorney).
Are you and/or your legal staff fluent in languages? If so, please identify the language(s)
Referrals and Recommendations: Are there accountants, financial advisors, parent coordinators, mediators, best interest attorneys, trustees, interpreters, private investigators, forensic examiners, experts or other professionals that have been helpful in your practice and that you would recommend to others? If so, identify the professional and provide her/his contact information.