“Amazing things happen when women help other women.”
Women Encouraging Moms (WEM) is a program for single moms to get help and support from members of the WBA. WEM will match members with single moms from various sources, including Rainbow Place, other women's shelters, and other referral sources. Not only will the mentees be matched with mentors, but we will put on programming on various topics of interest for the mentees, we will help with resumes, job searches and possible internship placements for the mentees to use as resume builders and reference builders. This is a program to give back to our community and lean into the lives of single moms in need of support and encouragement in their journeys.
MENTEES: If you are interested in participating in this program as a Mentee, please complete the Application Form (click this link) and return it to Theresa Chernosky, WBA.WEM@gmail.com , or WEM, c/o Bours and Lucero, LLC, 401 E. Jefferson St. Ste 103, Rockville, MD 20850
WBA MEMBERS: Here are the current opportunities to help with this venture, and you can be involved in more than one way:
A. We are looking for WBA members who would be willing to be mentors for these single moms, you yourself do not have to be a mom, but being a mom is definitely an added connection between you and your mentee.
B. We are looking for WBA members who may have a need in the office for an intern who would be willing to offer a paid position, to a mentee so the mentee can build their resume in the hopes of obtaining a job.
C. We are looking for WBA members who would be willing to put on trainings for our mentees, on various topics that become important, like creating a will, filing for expungements, budgeting, IEP meetings for your children, etc.
D. We are looking for WBA members who would be willing to prepare a cheat sheet of resources and/or general “how to” resources on a topic.
Questions? Contact Theresa Chernosky at theresa.chernosky@gmail.com