President: Leslie Miller
President-Elect: Magistrate Lena Kim
Treasurer: Debbie Feinstein
Secretary: Kate McQueen
At Large: Flora Lee, Stephanie Pankiewicz, and Jane Rodgers
Immediate Past President: Magistrate Sarah Malik
PAST PRESIDENTS OF THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER : Magistrate Sarah Malik (2023-2024); Jessica Hall (2022-2023); Alicia Lucero (2021-2022); Kristina Badalian (2020-2021); Rosalyn Tang (2019-2020), Leah Morabito (2018-19), Lili Khozeimeh (2017-18), Heather Collier (2016-17), Kate McDonough (2015-16), Rhian McGrath (2014-15), Sharon Johnson (2013-14), Hon. Margaret M. Schweitzer (2012-13), Barbara R. Graham (2011-12), Hon. Lisa S. Segel (2010-11), P. Lindsay Parvis (2009-10). Hon. Cheryl A. McCally (2008-09), Sherry L. Leichman (2007-08), Heather Q. Hostetter (2006-07), Patricia M. Weaver (2005-06), Stuart M. Skok (2004-05), Anne Marie Jackson (2002-03), Hon. Katherine D. Savage (2001-02), Nancy A. Sachitano (2000-01), Kathleen M. Dumais (1999-00), Lenore B. Schneiderman (1998-99), Elizabeth G. Loggia (1997-98), Donna E. Van Scoy (1996-97), Mary Ellen Flynn (1995-96), Mindy G. Farber (1994-95), Barbara L. Edin (1993-94), Carol Garfiel Freeman (1992-93), Sara M. Donohue (1991-92), Karen Federman Henry (1989-90), Peggy R. Odick (1988-89), Kathy (Parker) Fallon (1987-88), Dena C. Feeney (1986-87), Hon. Ann N. Sundt (1985-86), Nancy N. Fey (1984-85), Hon. Louise G. Scrivener (1983-84), Elisa Kaufman (1981-1982, 1982-1983)
By Laws: Magistrate Sarah Malik
Boosters: Heather Collier/Kate McDonough
Community Service: Magistrate Lili Khozeimeh
Directory: Chrissy Sindall
Foundation: Donna Van Scoy
Historian: Donna Van Scoy
Pictorial Historian: The Honorable Theresa Chernosky
Judicial Selection: Kate McDonough
Liaison to BAMC: Ashley Sheibaniagdam
Listserv: Cassidy Lang
Membership/Mentoring: Alice Scanlon
Montgomery County Commission for Women: [open]
Museletter: Susie Israelsson/Amelia Marsden
Nominations: Magistrate Sarah Malik
State WBA Meetings: Leslie Miller
Social Media: Samantha Chan/Flora Lee
Website: Flora Lee
WBA Mentorship Program: Debbie Feinstein/Jessica Hall/Stephanie Pankiewicz